Are you aware of the fact that your website design can help you gain many leads and conversions? Many small businesses tend to overlook their web design thinking that they don’t need to focus on the online aspects, particularly if they cater only to the local market. What they don’t realize is that they are making a huge mistake and foregoing a significant chunk of leads and customers! If you already have a website and are wondering why it is not providing you leads as expected, it is one of the reasons good enough to consider Website Redesign Services. Ideally, websites should be redesigned every couple of years to keep up to date with the latest trends. You can outsource this to a competent website redesign vendor who have the right resources and technology to come up with a creative and technically viable web solution for your business. Here are 9 signs that says it is time for a website redesign for your business:
1) It’s been ages since you looked into your website!
If you haven’t looked into your website of late, don’t expect anyone else to! Then its high time you consider a redesign and give it an attractive makeover. As we mentioned earlier, businesses should revamp their websites once every few years. The fresh design and content will not only give a fresh outlook to the frequently visiting customers, but also gear up the Google ranking too.
2) Leads from the internet reduces significantly
Typically, this is when most of the businesses look for competent Webdesign companies in India to work on their website redesign. Revamping the look and feel will definitely offer better leads.
3) Technology is outdated
If your website is very old, the technology would be outdated and hence will not deliver a decent customer experience. Some websites may not render efficiently on updated browsers. Redesigning the website with the latest technologies will make it more effective.
4) Your website is not responsive
Surveys reveal that 80% of the online customers use mobiles and smartphones to access information online. If your website is not responsive, it may not render effectively on mobile devices. You will lose out on a bulk of rich leads that way. If your website is not responsive, it’s time to contact the best offshore website redesign services provider for a website revamp.
5) Low SEO Rank
An old design and old content will rank low on Google SEO. Low rank will take you out from the 1st few pages of search engine results. This is quite damaging as search engines offer the largest number of leads to most of the businesses. If your website has a lower SEO rank, it is time to get it redesigned.
6) Tough to Navigate
Websites should be easy to navigate for customers. A confusing website will make the customer perplexed who will lose interest and close the browser window without going through all the pages. This will increase the bounce rate which is a negative remark on Google analytics. Google may flag your website which will affect your SEO and SERP ranking. Hence, easy navigation is a must and you must consider competent Website redesign services in India to redesign your website.
7) Content is Old
Even though content as such can be redone, a redesign will work wonders in giving your brand a completely fresh outlook. Only when the visual appeal changes, it will register in the customers’ minds.
8) Brand has Grown
As the brand outgrows its earlier appeal, market position and product range, the business has to obviously revamp their website.
9) Takes forever to Load!
According to surveys, if your website takes more than 3-5 seconds to load, it’s time you work on the design and/or technology. Visitors will not wait for longer than that for a website to load.