Everything’s online these days! Online shopping has become so popular that even social media platforms have become selling platforms. Stores and brands are coming up with their own mobile apps to know the customers better and keep them better engaged. That’s giving a tough competition for ecommerce websites. Many retail businesses are engaging a competent offshore web development company to ensure better traffic and conversions. These are companies exclusively dealing with web development and they understand user-behavior better. They have a clear-cut strategy to hook the customers and convert the traffic into decent sales figures using technology. Here are 12 such strategies that help to optimize your ecommerce landing page for more conversions eCommerce landing page

Keep it Simple and Clear

Simplicity and clarity are two definitely attractive elements for your ecommerce website. The design should be simple to navigate and the easy to understand. For new brands, the focus is on ensuring brand familiarity.

Categorize Products

We search for products on an ecommerce website by category. Easy searchability of products by category plays an important role in driving conversions. When ecommerce website development takes up product categorization as a prime focus, it helps in easily searchable products which help the customers find what they are looking for.

Call to Action

If you want to trigger an action to convert your traffic into an enquiry or sales, you need to include a crisp and motivating call to action at strategic spaces on your ecommerce site.

Social Media Presence

Be there on social media because that’s where most of your target groups are present. Though brands need to be omnipresent, social media networks can influence the purchase pattern of potential customers. So, make sure that your ecommerce business has ample social presence.

Live Chat

Make sure that your ecommerce website has a live chat window open 24 * 7. Engage them by offering special discounts or share interesting news that may be of their interest to hook your customers and help them to decide by sharing more information they may be looking for.

Track Micro-conversions

Micro-conversions tracking is very critical for ecommerce businesses to understand the changing customer dynamics. What hooks them and what turns them off, need to be carefully and quickly studied to adapt and remain in business.

Quality Images

In an ecommerce website, the only way you can showcase your products is through images and videos. High-resolution images in different angles are needed for your customers to see your product closely.

Detailed Description

A detailed product description helps to showcase the features and benefits of your products. Ideally, the product description should be crisp, to the point and contain all the details of your product. The content can be Search Engine Optimized to drive better traffic.

Disclaimer & Shipping Information

Typically, professional website design will include disclaimer and shipping information on an ecommerce website. These are critical to gaining the customers’ trust which motivates them to press the ‘buy now’ button. Be transparent about your purchase and shipping policies and clearly mention the charges, if any.

Discounts and Offers

Discounts and Offers attract more traffic to your website and motivate maximum customers to take the next step. Cross promotions and loyalty benefits also motivate customers to come back to your website and make purchases.


Did you know that the majority of ecommerce businesses happen over the mobile? It’s a fact and that’s why you must ensure responsive web development for your ecommerce site. This makes sure that the same website can be used on devices of all sizes with the best user experience.


Ever wondered how Facebook or the website you were browsing knows that you were searching for a particular brand of mobile a little while ago? That’s remarketing applied! Though it’s not rocket science, get a good team to work on your website’s remarketing technology to bring them to your site to purchase what they were looking for, elsewhere.