The scenario and the developments in web designing are changing every day. Trends mostly take place in the creative fields, which includes the industry of web designing too. Trends are considered to be a major reason to take forward the website design sector. The web is not static and thus, it keeps changing frequently.
Let’s take a look at the top website trends that are expected to take place in 2017:
1) Gradients
You can expect a return of Kaleidoscopic gradients in the coming 2017. You can make a double tone effect a fresh and contemporary outlook with a gradient carried away homepage of the website.
2) Typography
As more and more companies are expanding their website, bold typography in the website is gaining a prominent role. Bold typography works best in websites where the other content of the pages is kept short and clean.
3) Simple text
You can watch out how companies will try to shorten the length of the content and deliver a meaningful message with short words or lines. A simple text with visuals can attract a lot of clients. For example, adding mission or vision and support the statement by giving links which redirect the user to your sample works or experience.
4) Mixing horizontal and vertical text
When you relieve a text from horizontal alignment and place it vertically on a page, it offers a refreshing concept. They can be best used for making the website look simple yet attractive.
5) Duotone
Duotone would be the next latest trend that will take the sector of web designing by storm. These double colored schemes look cool and give a contemporary outlook. Being eye catchy and attractive with colors, this feature would bring in a lot of business.
6) GIFs and Animation
Today, a lot of websites and apps use animations at a regular interval. In 2017, you can expect the GIF’s to be going on-stream. GIF’s are considered to be awesome and they are present within every business firm today. You can use GIF for web design and promote it on various platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn. But overuse of these GIF’s is also not good for your business. GIF can increase the workflow and provide a richer work experience.
7) Data visualization
Today, data and analytics are an integral part of every business firm. Presenting data in various visual ways can increase the profit gained by your business. It is useful in instances which include user representation and colorful charts.
8) Responsive Design
Responsive design will continue to dominate the web design sector in 2017 as it is considered to be an effective way of achieving an excellent UX. It can increase the website flexibility and also allow the website to adjust according to various devices.
There are a lot of trends occurring in the creative industry simultaneously and some of the trends go unnoticed. But the above-mentioned web design trends are the must ones to be watched out in 2017. Do not miss!