The idea of creating something impressive that grabs the public attention is the primary motto of designing a product. A website’s User Experience design (UX) showcases the ability to understand the needs and behaviors of the user offering an amazing experience for them. The idea of User Experience is to achieve a positive reaction of users on product interaction thereby creating a unique selling proposition. Different domains and businesses require different approaches. A competent offshore web development company will have the experience to understand user expectations and deliver accordingly.

Good user experience design is always part of the product development process. Outsourcing such process can give you a precise version of the website where the user's demand is considered. Outsourcing web development is the proven to be quite cost-effective. A good web developer would build websites that are adaptable due to its responsive nature on all possible devices with varied screen resolutions. The design process is developed through different stages as follows:
Understand your Customer
The first level is to interact and understand with the users, where they express their vision and needs that to be showcased. Here the service holders will set their goals which are needed to be fulfilled. For this to be done smoothly clean research must be done regarding the portraying of the web design.
Research is the primary part to web design solutions with rich user experience. By keeping eye on the trends, updates, and guidelines the UX designer can adopt a number of methods to meet the needs of the clients.
Plan and Mock-ups
After primary and secondary research is done, then we plot the ideas that we gathered. It should be user-friendly and eye appealing so that it can get more attention in an authentic way. The team will develop mock-ups and test the variables and later evaluate the performance. At this stage, clients and service holders will discuss together to evaluate the appropriate idea which is generated by them. The most appropriate model that hit the goal will be chosen by the clients. The best outsourcing team will only consider the clients, more than their own suggestions.
Design & Development
Then they finalize the layout, and the team works on the mock-ups and turn the interface into a live one. All kind of technicalities such as colors, typography, principles, guidelines etc. for the responsive website development will be developed at this stage. The technical experts will design the UI images, design icons, final theme, specs and guidelines that are required for implementation.
Backend Implementation
The team now implements the back-end functionality and front interface. The output will be the developed UI with complete functionality and experience following the designed theme and style.
Testing and Evaluation
The last stage is to evaluate the features which are implemented. The end result is evaluated based on how it performs. If improvement is needed, it is noted and further developments will be done. The process goes on until the desired experience and customer satisfaction are achieved.
The best way to obtain a perfect web design is by outsourcing whereby your business can leverage its expertise, technology and cost-effectiveness.