Designing a new website is a huge undertaking. Organizations need to have a realistic plan, strategy, and defined timeline. Everybody feels that it is an easy task for the digital marketing agencies that have the experts to develop a website. There are companies who offer website design services by providing a unique way of interactive user experience. But, when one gets involved in the development process, then only he can understand the pain of web designers. It will be a nightmare for the web designer who is part of redesigning an existing website or creating a new website from scratch. Let us outline some of the reasons for the hair-pulling experience of web designers and how to avoid the same.
No More Response from the Employer
This is the worst nightmare every web designer may have faced. Once the work is done and the required website is put online, the developer emails the employer that the assigned work is completed. And if there is no response from the employer even after sending multiple reminders, all the hard work will go in vain. The more horrible experience is if the developer has shared the files in the asked shared location and the employer has already grabbed the files, the developer can do nothing about it. Finally, the hard work of the website development needs to be forgotten. This problem can be avoided by asking more contact information rather than an email address, it can be a phone number or home address. And the developer should ask for part of the payment beforehand and can divide the project into smaller milestones and get paid for each delivery.
Demand for Frequent Changes in the Website
It is good to get frequent feedback from the employer, but if he insists on changing or adding stuff, and then do not just get agreed with in the first place. Lot of work needs to be done to accommodate these new changes. So, developers can avoid it by preparing a detailed document which will contain all the features and look and feel of the website. If still, the employer asks for the change, then the designer can ask to get paid for this new task as done by any professional web design company.
Crash without Any Backup
When there is no backup system or external server for version control and suddenly the computer/laptop is crashed, then the developer will end up in losing all his hard work. So, it is better to have a version control system in place before starting the project.
Apart from above scenarios, there are situations which also cause heartache for a web designer, These include usage of low-quality images shared by the employer, resuming work of another developer, writing specific CSS and HTML codes to support all the browsers, including unnecessary animations, handling copyright issues of files, images, and articles.
By considering and handling the above situations in a proper way, the offshore web design companies can deliver a user-friendly and responsive website.