Ever wondered why your page takes longer to load though you have made sure it does not have heavy elements? The culprit is render-blocking Javascript which blocks the pages from loading. When it takes too long to load a page, the initial view of the page matters which is usually blocked by the render-blocking javascript. This not only affects your viewership but also the Google ranking as the time taken to load is also an important aspect of Google ranking criteria. If you do not have the expertise to check and correct this issue, you can engage a competent Offshore Web Design & Development Company to remove the render-blocking Javascript from your website. Here are some important points to note while doing the same:
Check what’s blocking your site from rendering
Usually, it is the JQuery that blocks your page from loading. You can find out the exact reason using tools like PageSpeed Insights from Google. It will show you the section of code that’s blocking your page from loading. Once you identify the reason for render-blocking, you can remove, replace or rearrange the code if that can resolve the issue. Or else, this same tool will provide you with a solution code which you have to copy paste to the appropriate section on your page. Since it might be difficult to solve this issue for a non-technical person, the best way to handle it is by engaging a professional outsourcing Web Development Company to create and manage your website more efficiently. Usually the scripts are either made inline or deferred. For deferring Javascript, you just need to place the scripts after the page is loaded. But this can be quite challenging for a non-technical person and hence, its better outsourced.
Moving the render-blocking code
Though most of the Web Development Companies in India suggests that the render-blocking Javascript is best moved to specific areas like the header or footer, you need to be familiar with changing the code in these sections. Otherwise, the entire page may look weird. Moving the render-block code to header or footer will ensure that the preview is loaded faster which will help retain the customer. Another option is to make the Javascript asynchronous. This will also let the preview of the page load faster. The script can also be moved into the body section.
Once the render-blocking Javascript has been identified and deferred, you need to check the page again using the Google tool to make sure it has improved the situation. If not, you need to rework on positioning the script better. Once the test proves successful, you can finalize the website content and publish it online. Offshore Web Design services will have experienced resources to accomplish this task faster and more efficiently. In fact, experienced design and development outsourcing partners will make sure that render-blocking is handled in the design stage itself. This makes sure that your site performs well from the time it is published to the public. There may be more elements that slow down your website which also you can identify using the Google tools and rectify for better rendering.